Classes We Offer

What Services We Offer

Earn While You Learn

Parenting Classes

These classes allow you to earn points which can be used for items that you or your baby may need such as diapers, wipes, bottles, toiletries, clothes, etc.

Parental Support Classes

These classes are for those who have been recommended or ordered by the court or Division of Social Services, Family and Children’s Division. Each client will receive a certificate of completion upon fulfilling class requirements.


Brightbirth Academy
First Year
Life Skills
Love Lessons
Positive Partnerships
Special Circumstances
Bible Studies
Classes are offered in Spanish (Las clases se ofrecen en español)


The Life Recovery: A Biblical Guide through the Twelve Steps
(This is for chemical and process addictions, relationships, grief, eating disorders, sexual integrity.)

H.O.P.E. (Healing Our Past Experiences)
H.O.P.E. started in 2010 as a group class for victims of sexual trauma. The facilitator will guide you on a seven-week journey of healing from the aftereffects of sexual abuse, trauma, or misuse.

Surrendering the Secret
A support group designed to bring healing, restoration, and a sense of hope and purpose to women who have abortion in their past.

Postpartum Depression Disorder

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